Wifes friend told what it is like to be married to a Turk

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My wifes friend told us what it was like to be married to a Turk live with him in Istanbul. Two years of life in a «foreign land» did not at all affect her cheerful disposition, although in her behavior, of course, there was something foreign, overseas. You cant tell with words …

https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/4361269/pub_605ac70d67249f47d4796442_605acbbef827c35b830dbee7/scale_1200 «/> Turkish wedding TszJa) Turkish wedding (source: https://clck.ru/pTsz =» article- article) render__block article-render__block_unstyled «data-points =» 4 «> Over a cup of Turkish tea with oriental sweets, she told about life in Turkey and what it is like to be married to a Turk.

For obvious reasons, out of a sense of tact, we did not ask her unnecessary questions, because it was already clear what she was talking about herself.

— In Turkey, one is considered a good husband, — Larisa began, to whom he told about the problem, he solved it … He does not drink alcohol at all, from the word at all. Well, or very rarely on holidays. I voiced (wrote) him a list of products — he went and bought.

— A rich Turkish wedding is a bride hung with gold. This house is a full bowl, where everything new is bought, from bed linen to household appliances. By the way, after the divorce, all the gifts remain with the wife, without any litigation there.

Here Larisa hesitated, apparently remembering her divorce from her ex Russian husband.

My wifes friend told what it is like to be married to a Turk

“But not all Turkish weddings are rich,” she continued. There are weddings where the outfits are simpler, and they will give them less. The family will rent the house for the rest of their lives, or, at best, for the first few years.

— Mom for a man remains the main one until his death. To offend her means to transgress age-old laws and traditions. In 95% of cases, the son will never oppose the mother. It comes to the point that the mother herself chooses a daughter-in-law for her son and he has no choice but to marry her.

— As for foreign women, then everything is completely bad. Well, if the mother likes the daughter-in-law, if not, then the husbands chosen one runs the risk of never seeing his parents.

“I am very lucky in this regard,” Larissa stated with some pride.

“The Turkish language is not easy either. 50% of girls still cant learn it, a maximum of several dozen common phrases.

— Guests in Turkey are a different story. They can come suddenly and at any time of the day. Therefore, you should always look good, your house is always tidy and crystal clean and you definitely have something to eat.

— But actually, a good Turkish wife, as well as a Russian, has a man who always skates like cheese in butter, — again, not without pride, Larisa stated.

  • In general, #Turkey is an interesting and distinctive country …

My wife and I began to mentally try everything that Larisa said on ourselves. And after she left, they laughed for a long time, saying that the foolsthoughts converge.

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