We visited the market in Alanya. Calculated how much food is there with our money

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We visited the market in Alanya. We calculated how much the products cost there with our money

The Turkish lira, as well as the ruble, is currently in a fever almost every day. So, just recently, the lira showed an increase of 7%, and at the beginning of this week it fell by almost 2 points at once.

the numbers hardly say anything, although they cannot but worry. Russians, who have learned, especially recently, to react to fluctuations in the ruble, are watching with interest what is happening with the Turkish lira. After all, the tourist season is just around the corner and the prospect of spending more money than planned is somehow not encouraging.

The fluctuations in the exchange rate of the Turkish lira have little effect on the cost of vouchers to Turkey, since their price is calculated taking into account the exchange rate of the «almighty» dollar. Well, its not for me to tell you about this.

But it is quite possible to save on purchases in Turkey for lira. But this activity is not for the faint of heart. The most meticulous ones first convert rubles into dollars or euros, and then into lira. Therefore, it is practically impossible to calculate how much products or services will cost in Turkey in summer, because, as mentioned above, both the lira and the ruble show extremely unstable dynamics.

But to calculate the cost of the same products at the rate of ruble/lira at the moment it is quite possible.

So now in Russia for 1 Turkish lira they give 9.71 rubles. By the way, the exchange rate of the lira against the ruble, starting from the 20th of February, is either growing or falling, and it is very difficult to predict it at the time when you read this article.

And, nevertheless, lets try to calculate how much some products on the market in Alanya will cost now in our rubles.

So our beloved persimmon turned out to be the same cost as in Russia. Out of season!: 18 X 9.71 = 175 rubles/kg

Persimmon price on the market in Alanya (source : https://clck.ru/TfBSZ) Persimmon price on the market in Alanya (source: https://clck.ru/TfBSZ)

The price of strawberries in Turkey is now very low: 7 X 9.71 = 68 rubles/kg

The price of strawberries on the market in Alanya (source: https://clck.ru/TfBUX) Price of strawberries on the market in Alanya (source: https://clck.ru/TfBUX)

Oranges are worth mere pennies, well, that is. lira: 5 X 9.71 = 49 rubles/kg

Price for oranges in Alanya (source: https://clck.ru/TfBUX) Price for oranges in Alanya (source: https://clck.ru/TfBUX)

But dates turned out to be extremely expensive, but still cheaper than in Russia: 20 X 9.71 = 194 rubles/kg

Price for dates on the market in Alanya (source: https: //clck .ru/TfBda) Price for dates on the market in Alanya (source: https://clck.ru/TfBda)

And finally the dill. It is generally given for free: 1 X 9.71 = 10 rubles/bunch

The price of dill on the market in Alanya (source: https://clck.ru/TfBf6) The price of dill on the market in Alanya (source: https://clck.ru/TfBf6)

Once again, if you exchange dollars for Turkish lira in Turkey, the price is likely to be even lower!

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My blog | tourist| travel We visited the market in Alanya. Calculated how much food is there with our money

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