We drove across the steppe and saw Telling what kind of bird it is

Travel by plane

We drove across the steppe and saw a «blue bird» that did not frighten us at all. Im telling you what kind of bird it is

Once we had a chance to travel around Volgograd Region in the vicinity of the Don River. Places of grace, I tell you. There is full, full of all kinds of herbs, and various animals and beasts of the familiar and unfamiliar. Either the eagle will swiftly soar into the sky, then the heron will fly unhurriedly, or even the snake will come out of the water to warm up on the Don bank.

In a word, nature here is still untouched by man. Although the coastal zone does not do without garbage, but today is not about that.

We decided to somehow move away from the river into a deaf steppe, well, so that it would be very deaf, as far as possible. Fortunately, dirt roads are in full abundance, choose any. The main thing here is not to get lost and go back. And «Ariadnes thread» in the form of a navigator is always at hand, so you wont get lost.

ferry, we chose one of these roads and drove along it, enjoying the surroundings. Soon Don was out of sight. The steppe, fragrant with thyme, enveloped us in a veil of mystery and magic.

Only now the light midday heat dispersed all the animals through their burrows and shady hollows. In the steppe at this time, as they say, not a soul.

But suddenly at a distance, a few meters from the road, we saw something similar to a high stump from a tree and a silhouette sitting on it, vaguely resembling a bird.

Having reduced the gas, and then stopped altogether, we really saw a bird proudly perching on a tree stump.

Roller Roller

The bird showed no signs of concern, which allowed us to approach it at a safe distance. Its bright blue plumage betrayed a Roller — a very beautiful and rare bird. It is considered a great success to meet a Roller in wildlife. The bluebird of paradise.

Our Roller was sitting quietly, every now and then, turning its head in different directions. True, her voice is by no means heavenly. In our understanding, the voice of a sparrow is either more pleasant, or just more familiar.

For some time roller roller allowed us to admire ourselves, and then, flapping a blue wing, took off into the sky and after a moment disappeared into the blue sky of the Don steppe.

Well, we headed back, closer to the Don, where NEW MEETINGS with the local fauna were waiting for us.

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Video source on my You Tube: https: //clck. ru/Tcshh

My blog | tourist| travel We drove across the steppe and saw a «blue bird» that did not frighten us at all. Telling what kind of bird it is

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