Turks told where is the best place to exchange currency in the country

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Turks told where it is best to exchange currency in the country

In Turkey, as you know, not only the local Turkish lira, but also dollars and euros are in use. I will say more, in some cases in Turkish stores you can pay in rubles, but this is a separate story, about which a little later.

to Turkey, we always take with us both dollars and euros, well, quite a few rubles, where can we go without them …

At first, we always changed fairly large amounts of both dollars and euros for lira at the airport. But very soon they realized that the course there is not profitable, I would even say predatory.

Therefore, at the airport we now change very little money to take a taxi to the hotel. And if we have a previously ordered transfer, we completely bypass the exchangers in the air harbors.

Upon arrival at the hotel, at the reception, you can also exchange cash. But even there the course is not much more profitable. Therefore, this option is also not acceptable for us, well, if only for some urgent matters.

The Turks told where it is best to exchange currency in Turkey

The best way to exchange currency brought with you is to use the services of exchange offices on the streets of Turkish cities.

Migros Shopping CenterMigros Shopping Center

Well, that’s not all! Good-natured Turks from the former Soviet Union have recently suggested to us a profitable way to exchange in large Turkish retail chains such as Waikiki or Migros . Now we pay for purchases in dollars or euros, and we receive change in Turkish lira. This exchange method is the most profitable! Tested on personal experience.

But what about rubles? Rubles in Turkey are surprisingly also in use. But there is not much joy in this, since the exchange rate is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sizeable. This is #Turkey.

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