They asked the Turkish guide: «Do the Turks really drink?» Heres what he answered us

Lonely Journey

They asked the Turkish guide: «Do Turks really drink alcohol?» Here is what he answered us

If you are lucky with a guide during an excursion in Turkey, then it can turn not only into an interesting journey, but also into an educational one. excursion into the customs and traditions of this country.

Alcohol in Turkeycl8 (source): https://AlcoholDuct in Turkey (source:

Basically, all Turkish guides are talkative, and if they also speak passable Russian, then they simply dont have a price.

As a rule, during the trip, the guides, in order to occupy the group, tell a lot of interesting things not only on the topic of the excursion, but also about how the Turks live, about their everyday life. Agree, it is interesting to hear information, so to speak, firsthand.

In turn, our tourists, showing a genuine interest in life in Turkey, very often they ask the question:

— Do the Turks really drink?

Most guides answer it evasively and floridly:

— Like, we have a Muslim country, and all that.

I don’t think they have any forbidden attitudes in this regard, but you still cannot get information from them

And then somehow during one of the excursions the guide still told us this secret of the «golden key»

— That #Turkey is a country Muslim, with all the ensuing consequences — this is true, — the guide began.

It is not accepted to drink in Turkey It is not accepted to drink in Turkey

— Therefore, most of the Turks absolutely definitely do not consume alcohol in any form, faith does not allow. In addition, any self-respecting Turk sincerely fears Allah and believes that he can punish this human weakness.

— And at weddings? — immediately asked one of the meticulous tourists.

— At weddings they drink quietly, a little bit, somewhere around the corner and without attracting attention. You will never see alcohol on the tables, unless the wedding is of course European — no one hides alcohol there.

— Do they drink at home? — the meticulous tourist did not calm down.

— Of course they drink at home, especially in a mens company and with a hookah, but somewhere in the back room and away from children.

— And of course, you will never see a drunk Turk on the streets of our cities.

— There is another option in a nightclub or outdoors, but again, away from prying eyes, but in moderation.

— In general, nothing human is alien to us, — stated the guide.

Meanwhile, while talking, we managed to drive up to the first point of our excursion — the unique ancient city of Kibir.

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  • WHAT DO NOT DO TURKEY, so as not to go to prison?

My blog | tourist| travel They asked the Turkish guide: «Do the Turks really drink?» Heres what he answered us

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