State Duma deputies propose to close borders for Russian tourists


State Duma deputies propose to close borders for Russian tourists


Egypt 2021 (source: Egypt) 2021 source: https: //Bclck : //

The discussion was initiated by the chairman of the LDPR party Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Vladimir Volfovich explains his “good intentions” by caring for the health of Russians and, in a pandemic, calls for the closure of the borders, and recommends that Russians stay at home.

State Duma (source: State Duma (source: https: // )

But, either Mr. Zhirinovsky forgot that Russia is basically a northern country and there is simply nowhere for Russians to relax at local resorts either in winter or in spring, from the word «absolutely» (I mean a beach vacation), or there are some -or other reasons …

And, as you know, Russian citizens have the right to rest and deprive them of this right in conditions when even in spring there are places in Russian resorts not at all left, and prices have soared to heights unattainable for many, as it is not at all in a parliamentary manner.

Therefore, today Egypt has become almost the only budget destination with a fairly high level of service. than, say, in Sochi. So last summer and during the velvet season in Sochi, no one observed the mask regime. Checked on myself.

Hurghada. Egypt (source: Hurghada. Egypt (source:

It is clear that any state is interested in its residents having a rest inside the country, and not exporting money during their holidays abroad.

The Russians are only «for», only now you yourself know that we just have trouble with domestic resorts. So our compatriots are increasingly choosing Egypt or Turkey.

And the Russian tour companies do not remain at a loss. Only business, nothing personal.

I don’t know if the initiative of V.V. Zhirinovsky among the servants of the people or not, but only one thing is clear, few of those who booked tours to Turkey will voluntarily agree to exchange them for the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory. So what is left? Only Egypt!

By the way, you can also consider CYPRUS .

What do you think about this? Share in the comments. YOU WILL BE ALSO INTERESTING TO KNOW! TURKEY?



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