Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri is the most famous Spaniard who fought for Stalingrad

Roads abroad

Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri — the most famous Spaniard who fought for Stalingrad on the gravestone are inscribed the words:

Here are buried those who died in battles with the Nazi invaders during the defense of Stalingrad: the glorious son of the Spanish people Hero of the Soviet Union Captain Ibarruri Ruben Ruiz, Commander of the machine-gun company, Guards Captain Ibarruri, Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot Major Kamenshchikov VG and posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin artilleryman Captain Fattyakhutdinov Kh.F. Alley of Heroes in Volgograd

Today our story is about one of them — Ruben Ibarrur — a man of difficult fate, who gave his life at 22 for the prosperity of our state.

Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri (1920 — 1942) was born on 09/01/1920 in the family of Dolores Ibarruri — the future leader of the Spanish Communist Party and one of the founders of this party, Juan Ruiz.

In 1935, when Ruben Ibarruris mother was arrested, and he, along with Spanish children, left for the Soviet Union, where he began to be raised in the Lepeshinsky Bolshevik family.

Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri (1920 — 1942) Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri (1920 — 1942)

Subsequently he took an active part in the Spanish Civil War. Then he returned to the Soviet Union, where he graduated from the military school named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

From the very beginning of World War II, Lieutenant Ibarruri fought in the Red Army and received his first combat experience in 1941 on the Western Front.

Ruben Ibarruri showed exceptional courage and heroism during the battles for # Stalingrad. The machine-gun company under his command during the fierce battles helped stop the enemy offensive in the area of ​​the village of Malaya Rossoshka. In just one night, Ruiz Ibarruri’s company repelled 6 German attacks, leaving over 100 German soldiers and a lot of military equipment on the battlefield.

In hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, the fearless Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri was mortally wounded and died on September 3, 1942. </p >

Initially, Ruben Ibarruri was buried in a mass grave in the village of Srednaya Akhtuba, and later in 1948 he was reburied on the Alley of Heroes in Stalingrad (since 1961 # Volgograd)

Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri is buried here. Alley of Heroes, Volgograd Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri is buried here. Alley of Heroes, Volgograd

In 1956 Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Literally a few dozen meters from this place is the basement of the former Stalingrad department store, where the commander of the 6th German Army Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus was captured on January 30, 1943.

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Watch the video & quot; Post # 1 on the Alley of Heroes in Volgograd & quot;

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My blog | tourist| travel Ruben Ruiz Ibarruri is the most famous Spaniard who fought for Stalingrad

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