Only vaccinated tourists can visit Cyprus this year

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Only vaccinated tourists will be able to visit Cyprus this year

All jokes and ridicule that a «covid passport» is all fictions, and what is called «the machinations of enemies» seem to take on real shape. Only now the vaccination itself is being mentioned more and more, without which individual states will not allow foreign tourists to enter their territory under any pretext.

Naturally, this state of affairs will also affect Russian tourists, but more on that later.

Cyprus 2021 Cyprus 2021 «renderblock_data_points» «> In particular, this initiative was made by Cyprus, which has already announced a deal with Israel, after which vaccinated tourists from this country can freely enter and stay in Cyprus, bypassing the provision of a PCR test and quarantine.

Also, Cyprus has already managed to assure the British Government that tourists from the shores of foggy Albion will be able to visit the country from May 1 if they have the same «covid passport» or certificate, it does not matter. True, subject to one condition. The second injection must be made no later than 7 days before the arrival date.

That is, what happens? Got two injections — welcome! If you didnt — drive by! So what?

Or does a negative test also give a chance to rest? In a word, there are still more questions than answers.

Holidays in CyprusRest in Cyprus

In any case, Deputy Minister of Tourism Savvas Perdios expressed full support to EU officials who advocate the introduction of «covid passports» and freedom of movement for tourists, if available.

Now, with regard to the Russians. In one of my previous articles, I have already suggested that the postponement of entry to #Cyprus for Russians from March 1 to April 1 is possibly connected with the introduction of a «covid passport». And apparently I was right!

At the moment, the Russian vaccine is in the process of being approved by European officials, after which the Russians will also be able to hope for visiting Cyprus.

Time will show how everything will actually be. In the meantime, Russian tourists are counting on the early opening of the Egyptian resorts of the Red Sea. There is definitely no need for any «covid passport».

By the way, the initiator of all this «disgrace» was Greece. Read about it HERE .

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