I visited the crumbling monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army

Roads abroad

I visited the crumbling monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army in Volgograd. I show it in what state it is now

In the hero city of Volgograd, almost at every step you can find memorable places associated with the Great Patriotic War. Yes, this is understandable, because here in 1942-1943. the bloodiest battle on earth took place, later called Stalingrad.

There is no such area in the city where you would not see a memorial plaque, a stele or a monument dedicated to this event. The most famous among them is, of course, the monument-ensemble «To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad» on the Mamayev Kurgan.

There is such a monument dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad in the Kirovsky district of Volgograd. It is located, like the memorial on Mamayev Kurgan, on a hill, however, it is much more modest in size. From this apparently such an attitude towards him. But everything is in order.

— Monument to the Army of Volunteers in p. 64 «article-render__block article-render__block_unstyled» data-points = «2»> Judging by the memorial plaque, it became clear that

Here was the auxiliary command post of the 64th Army of the Stalingrad Front. September 1942 — February 1943 Memorial plaque. The auxiliary command post of the 64th Army of the Stalingrad Front was located here. September 1942 — February 1943 Memorial plaque. The auxiliary command post of the 64th Army of the Stalingrad Front was located here. September 1942 — February 1943.

And, despite the fact that this monument is protected by the state and there is even a whole Resolution of the Volgograd Regional Duma « On state protection of monuments of history and culture of the Volgograd region& # 39; No. 62/706 of 05.06.1997 «, currently it is in a deplorable state.

Monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army in Volgograd. General plan Monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army in Volgograd. General plan

For reference: the monument was built according to the project of architects D.V. Ershova. and Levitan E.I. and was opened on February 2, 1974 to commemorate the 31st anniversary of the victory of Soviet troops at Stalingrad. It is a monolithic reinforced concrete monument in the form of a banner with the words «64 Army» inscribed on it and a five-pointed star located right there.

Monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army Monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army Numerous cracks on the body of the monument say that it is slowly but surely collapsing. Monument to soldiers of the 64th Army in Volgograd is being destroyed Monument to soldiers of the 64th Army in Volgograd is being destroyed

The fallen off plaster causes nothing but regret and pain. True, traces of cosmetic and careless restoration are visible, but they do not give the monument the proper look.

Plaster is crumbling on the monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army Plaster is crumbling at the monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army

glaze. And only dead wood has been registered here for many years.

Monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army. The flower beds are overgrown with grass. The monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army. The flower beds are overgrown with grass.

Only the asphalt is in good condition, apparently laid at the time of the opening of the monument in 1974, but it will soon sprout with grass.

Monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army Monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army

Major M.S. Shumilova defended our victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army. Monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army. Carnations What do you think about this? Share in the comments.

By the way, literally a few kilometers from this place is the house where the headquarters of the 64th Army was located during the Battle of Stalingrad .

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My blog | tourist| travel I visited the crumbling monument to the soldiers of the 64th Army in Volgograd. Showing the state he is in now

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