Telling about my impressions

Travel by plane

I came to see the house where the first interrogation of Field Marshal Paulus took place. I am telling you about my impressions

captured, namely in the early morning of January 31, 1943.

Together with Lieutenant General Ivan Andreevich Laskin, Field Marshal Paulus was taken to headquarters 64 Army, which was located in one of the single-storey residential buildings in the southern region of Stalingrad (Volgograd since 1961).

Field Marshal Paulus before the first interrogation Field Marshal Paulus p = class «article-render__block article-render__block_unstyled» data-points = «4»>On the same day Friedrich Paulus was interrogated by the commander of the 64th Army, Lieutenant General Mikhail Stepanovich./p>

It is noteworthy that the house in which Paulus was interrogated still exists.

House in Volgograd, where the first interrogation of Field Marshal Paulus took place The house in Volgograd, where the first interrogation of Field Marshal Paulus took place

It is located in Volgograd at 20 Krasnoufimskaya Street it turned out that outwardly it differs little from the same houses located on this street in the neighborhood, if not for the memorable plaque with the inscription:

Commander of the 64th Army, Lieutenant General Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov January 31, 1943, conducted the first interrogation of General -fed Marshal Paulus.

A plaque on the house where Field Marshal Paulus was first interrogated Memorable plaque on the house where Field Marshal Paulus was interrogated for the first time «4»> Thanks to archival photographs taken inside during the interrogation, the house is easily recognizable. All the same window openings.

Interrogation of Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (photo source: Interrogation of Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (photo source:

Judging by the well-groomed area around the house, even though the shutters were closed, it was clear that it was not abandoned and, most likely, was protected by the state. In any case, I really want to believe in it.

House on the street. Krasnoufimskaya, 20, in Volgograd, where the first interrogation of Field Marshal Paulus took place Krasnoufimskaya, 20, in Volgograd, where the first interrogation of Field Marshal Paulus took place

Unfortunately, it was not possible to find out if anyone lives there.

On one of the side walls of the house, facing the next street, someone symbolically wrote:

Glory to the soldiers of the Red Army, who successfully carried out the encirclement.

Side wall of the house where Field Marshal Paulus was first interrogated Side wall of the house where Field Marshal Paulus was first interrogated

Of course, I would like to visit the house and feel that victorious the atmosphere that stood there on January 31, 1943, despite the fact that there were still more than two years of the Great Patriotic War ahead.

The # Battle of Stalingrad ended on February 2, 1943.

And the capture of Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus in the basement of the Stalingrad department store went like this. See the installation.

Video source on my channel You Tube:




My blog | tourist| travel I came to see the house where the first interrogation of Field Marshal Paulus took place. Telling about my impressions

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