Holidays in Turkey are no longer the same

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Holidays in Turkey are no longer the same: Im telling you what awaits Russians in the coming months

To the delight of many Russians, the expected closure of flights between Russia and Turkey has not yet happened. But does this only mean that the Russians will still be able to rest in the same serene rest in hospitable Turkey?

Rest in TurkeyRest in Turkey

I think not. In any case, for a while, until the pandemic situation in Turkey returns to normal and the number of cases in this country does not decline.

How Once these and other issues were discussed in his recent telephone conversation by President V.V. Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayp Erdogan.

By the way, perhaps, with no other President V.V. Putin does not discuss tourism as often as he does with the Turkish president. This is understandable. Turkey ranks first in popularity among Russians. Every year about 6 million of our compatriots rest there.

So this time the presidents discussed issues related to the tourism industry. But no expected decisions were made to close Turkey due to the epidemiological situation in the country. Although the possible scenarios for the development of events have nevertheless become known.

We will most likely find out which of them will be adopted in the near future, especially since the May holidays are just around the corner.


  • Option 1

Air traffic with Turkey stops until the number of cases there starts to decline. Let me remind you that now it is striving for the mark of 50,000 thousand people a day. Agree that this is a lot! By the way, V.V. Zhirinovsky.

  • Option 2

Air traffic with Turkey remains the same, but upon returning to the country, Russian tourists will have a 2-week quarantine, and I think there will be more than one PCR -test at its end.

  • Option 3

Turkey will be able to visit only Russians who have been vaccinated and have a so-called covid passport in their hands.

Nothing about any other options yet it is known, but one thing is clear that one of them will in any case be adopted before the May holidays.

Therefore #Turkey will no longer be the same for Russians, at least in the foreseeable future.


What do you think, according to what scenario will events develop? Share in the comments. YOU WILL ALSO BE INTERESTED TO KNOW!


My blog | tourist| travel Holidays in Turkey are no longer the same: Im telling you what awaits Russians in the coming months

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