Did you know that the memorial to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad


Did you know that the memorial to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on the Mamayev Kurgan could have appeared in a completely different place

50- In the early 20th century, this hill in Volgograd was seriously considered by the architect Yevgeny Vuchetich as a place for erecting a memorial to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad, and there were good reasons for this. The name of this place is Lysaya Gora in the Soviet district of the city.

Bald Mountain in Volgograd points = «5»> First of Gorad points = «5»> is almost 40 m higher than the Mamayev Kurgan and, by the way, it was suitable for the construction of the main memorial complex of the country. Its height is 145.5 m.

Secondly, no less bloody and fierce battles took place here than on the Mamayev Kurgan. That could also play a role in making the final decision.

In addition, Evgeny Vuchetich also did not like the TV tower on Mamayev Kurgan, which could spoil the overall impression of visiting the complex …

Mamaev KurganMamaev Kurgan

However, despite all these arguments, the place on Lysaya Gora lost to Mamaev Kurgan, primarily because of its geographical location, since it was located at a sufficient distance from the city center.

Obelisk on Lysaya Gora in VolgogradObelisk on Lysaya Gora in Volgograd

In memory of the battles during the Battle of Stalingrad, immediately after the erection of the memorial to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on the Mamayev Kurgan, on Lysaya Gora in 1968, a small memorial was built in the form of a 20-meter obelisk.

Obelisk on Lysaya Gora in VolgogradObelisk on Lysaya Gora in Volgograd

In size, it is certainly much more modest than the memorial on Mamayev Kurgan …

Its authors are architect Fedor Lysov and sculptor Vladimir Bezrukov.

There is also a granite slab on which a map of the 64th Armys military operations is inscribed. Under the command of Colonel-General Shumilov, the 64th Army fought on this hill.

Granite slab on Bald Mountain in Volgograd Granite slab on Bald Mountain in Volgograd

Here, at the foot of the slab, you can see shell casings and shell fragments collected in the surrounding area.

Fragments of shells and shells on Lysaya Gora in Volgograd Fragments of shells and shells on Lysaya Gora in Volgograd

marked with pyramids with the inscription «1942 -1943 «.

Pyramid on Bald Mountain in Volgograd Pyramid on Bald Mountain in Volgograd

Unfortunately, now, perhaps, only residents of the Soviet district of the city know about this place in Volgograd. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and schoolchildren of local schools regularly come here on the eve of the celebration of the anniversary of the Victory at Stalingrad and on Victory Day on May 9 to honor the memory of those killed in the Battle of Stalingrad.

The Obelisk. Bald Mountain. Volgograd Obelisk. Bald Mountain. Volgograd

At one time, as a student of secondary school # 103, I had a chance to carry an honorary watch here # Volgograd


Video source on my You Tube channel: https : //clck.ru/UGQMf

PS Just a few kilometers from here you can find another monument dedicated to the soldiers of the 64th Army.

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My blog | tourist| travel Did you know that the memorial to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on Mamayev Kurgan could have appeared in a completely different place

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