Cyprus opens its borders to Russians and this is not an April Fools joke

Lonely Journey

Cyprus opens its borders to Russians and this is not an April Fool’s joke

Recently, rumors about the timing of the opening of Cyprus for Russians have been strongly circulated. The postponement of the opening of the country for our compatriots from March 1 to April 1 did not add optimism. There is even information that only those of our citizens who are “happy owners” of covid passports, in other words, vaccinated, will be able to enter the country.

Cyprus 2021 (source: (source: «articleJ) render__block article-render__block_unstyled» data-points = «6»>But on April 1, the countrys authorities, represented by Deputy Minister of Tourism Savvas Perdios, almost solemnly announced that Cyprus is now open to tourists from 65 countries, including Russia. Good information!

But, perhaps, the main news is that arriving tourists will not need to undergo mandatory self-isolation, as previously stated. It is enough to provide negative results of one or two PCR tests. The number of tests is determined by the category of the country from which the tourist arrives.

Cyprus opens its borders to Russians and this is not an April Fools joke

Russia, which was recently in the «gray» zone, has now moved to the «red». And, therefore, Russians take two tests: one 72 hours before departure, the second already at the airport of arrival (paid service).

Cyprus (source: Cyprus (source:

In this plan, the residents of Israel and the UK are also lucky, who together with the Russians make up the absolute majority of tourists who visit #Cyprus annually.

According to Cypriot authorities, there should be no shortage of flights, since Cyprus intends to increase its capacity to deliver tourists to the island every month.

So, from 160 flights per week in April, it is planned to increase this number to 500 by June, including at the expense of the Russians.

In the meantime, the main competitor of Cyprus is still Turkey, which traditionally takes the lions share of tourist traffic in the entire Mediterranean region.

This competition may increase significantly after April 15, as the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey Mehmet Ersoy announced the countrys intentions to cancel PCR tests basically . Of course, if the epidemiological situation in the country allows it.

Wait and see! In any case, there isnt long to wait.

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