All-inclusive food system in Turkey will face major changes

Lonely Journey

All-inclusive food system in Turkey will face major changes

It seems that Turkish hoteliers for the first time in many years are thinking about saving the products they offer their guests.

Most of the tourists who visited Turkey last year noted for themselves that the restrictions imposed in connection with the pandemic almost did not affect all -inclusive catering systems.

System & quot; all included & quot; System & quot; all included & quot; -render__block_unstyled «data-points =» 5 «> Only the submission form has changed, i.e. the tourist was usually separated from the food by a plastic fence, behind which the hotel employee put whatever the visitor wanted.

In the same year, all those who choose Turkey for recreation seem to have a fundamentally new approach to the process of eating.

Literally on Recently, the Turkish media reported about the start of the «orange flag» project, which initially starts in 20 hotels. What is this project?

Since the entire tourism industry in the world is going through hard times now, the economy has become almost the cornerstone of this direction. Turkey is no exception in this regard.

The country is launching an «orange flag» project aimed at reducing the offered products. Naturally, tourists will also be involved in this process, as the main players, who will be agitated to take less food on their table, that is, exactly as much as they can eat. The idea, in my opinion, is still the same!

In what form it will take place is not yet clear? Obviously verbally?

Turkey & quot; all inclusive » Turkey & quot; all inclusive »

The hotels that will take part in this project even plan to conduct training for employees, where they will be presented with the rules of polite etiquette aimed at convincing tourists not to take too much food. What nonsense?

According to the initiators of this action, it does not bear any restrictions for tourists. Although evil tongues have already begun to talk about the fact that hoteliers can go to reduce the size of the plates and reduce the variety of dishes on offer. This is the half «all inclusive» offered by #Turkey

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My blog | tourist| travel All-inclusive food system in Turkey will face major changes

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