After the war, two Heroes of the Soviet Union lived in the famous Pavlov House

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After the war, two Heroes of the Soviet Union lived in the famous Pavlov House in Volgograd. I tell who they are

From the course of the school curriculum, most of us know about the world famous Sergeant Pavlovs House , which has become impregnable a citadel for the German fascist invaders during the Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943). 58 days on fire! That is how many Red Army soldiers under continuous fire held back the enemy’s onslaught without handing over the house to the enemy.

Pavlov’s house immediately after the end of the Battle of Stalingrad (source: Pavlov’s house immediately after the end of the Stalingrad battle (source: https: //clck .ru/TjAh7)

After the war, this house was one of the first in Stalingrad to be restored, becoming a symbol of the revived and rebuilt Stalingrad (Volgograd since 1961).

Now in Pavlovs House , which is located on the street. Sovetskaya, 39 in Volgograd, ordinary Volgograd residents live.

Pavlovs house todayPavlovs house today

But it is also noteworthy that two Heroes of the Soviet Union lived here at different times, about whom our story today.

Heroes lived here, they say two memorial plaques, on which the names of Alexander Vasilyevich Plyakin, who lived here from 1966 to 1971, and Vasily Terentyevich Ryabov, who lived in Pavlov’s House from 1968 to 1986 are engraved.

Plyakin Alexander Vasilievich (1905 — 1971)

Plyakin A.V. a native of the city of Saratov.

Plyakin Alexander Vasilyevich (source: Plyakin Alexander Vasilyevich (source:

He took an active part in the battles for Stalingrad. High rank Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Major A.V. Plyakin was awarded on May 31, 1945 for his heroism during the destruction of the encircled enemy group in the city of Poznan (Poland) and during the capture of the fortress city of Küstrin (Germany).

After the war, Alexander Vasilyevich lived and worked in Volgograd. Died 02/07/1971.

Ryabov Vasily Terentyevich (1923 — 1986).

Ryabov V.T. a native of the village of Staroye Gryaznoe, Voronezh region.

Ryabov Vasili Terentyevich (source: Ryabov Vasili Terentyevich (source:

High rank Hero of the Soviet Union Sergeant Ryabov VT was awarded on October 23, 1943 for his courage and heroism during the battle for the Dnieper. October 5, 1943 Sergeant Ryabov V.T. at the head of the squad, he carried out the ferry of reinforcements across the Dnieper River in the area of ​​the village of Kozintsy, located south of Kiev. Then Sergeant Ryabov made 12 flights, ferrying a total of 160 soldiers.

Since 1968 Ryabov V.T. lived and worked in Volgograd. He died on January 30, 1986.

Pavlovs house. Modern view from the side of Lenin Square, Pavlov’s house. Modern view from Lenin Square

In my opinion, it was just as symbolic to highlight the apartment in the Pavlov House and Afanasyev Ivan Filippovich , who directly led the defense of the Pavlov House and subsequently also lived in the hero-city # Volgograd. But history decreed otherwise.

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  • History of the Pavlov House in Volgograd </li >

My blog | tourist| travel After the war, two Heroes of the Soviet Union lived in the famous Pavlov House in Volgograd. Telling Who They Are

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