A curfew has been imposed in Turkey

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Turkey has imposed a curfew. How it will affect tourists from Russia

Unfortunately, we have to admit that by the beginning of the tourist season in Turkey, the situation with the pandemic leaves much to be desired. The salutary increase in air temperature did not affect the epidemiological situation in any way, which in turn forced the President of the country to reintroduce the curfew.

Istanbul Istanbul It would seem, well, what does it matter to us Russians what they have with curfew? We ourselves would quickly deal with this scourge, if not for one but. Turkey is still considered the most popular destination for rest among Russian tourists, and the question of how they are doing there simply cannot but worry us.

During curfew in TurkeyDuring curfew in Turkey 5:00 Monday. There are provinces in the country where the incidence is not so high, so the curfew is a little shorter there.

For understanding. The provinces marked in blue and yellow are those with a moderate percentage of cases. Provinces marked in red and orange are high.

Incidence map by province (source: https://clck.ru/U6w92) Incidence map by province (source: https://clck.ru/U6w92), our beloved Istanbul and Antalya are at risk, therefore, the restrictions are there in full.

Restaurants and patisseries will serve visitors only for take-out, and then from 10:00 to 20:00. Online takeaway trading will last 4 hours longer. until 24:00.

Istanbul. Turkey Istanbul. Turkey

How will all this affect tourists from Russia? No way!

The only thing that is recommended for tourists is to go outside strictly in a protective mask and be sure to have a voucher and a passport with you.

Otherwise everything is quiet. Moving around the hotel territory without restrictions. All events are in full.

Therefore, it is better to go to Turkey for rest now, or is it better to wait a little, everyone makes a decision individually.

In the meantime, Russian tourists are actively booking tours to Cyprus . There is no need for restrictions yet.

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My blog | tourist| travel A curfew has been imposed in Turkey. How it will affect tourists from Russia

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